the sweet green life

the sweet green life
My sweet depiction

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Greening my snacks

Recently, I was concerned about my eating habits as I had been eating more ice cream and sweets. There's a reason why I named this blog sweet- I have an incurable and unsatisfied sweet tongue. Needless to say, I've been putting the pounds and even though I live an active lifestyle, I've been unsatisfied with what I put in my mouth.
Well, as I was clearing out my fridge a couple of days ago, I had to eat some of my farmers market purchases
as they were much and I needed to make sure they did not go bad. So I decided to combine vegetables with fruit to make a drink.
Obviously, I have done this before- badly, as my drinks always tasted funny and unappetizing. Luck, however was on my side that day, I made a tasty and amazing drink with very few ingredients: cantaloupe, spinach, a teaspoon of honey and a bit of water. I blended all of these and Voila!!! A swampy green but an amazing drink that I'm drinking every time I get the urge to open my fridge and pull out the ice cream container-which I'm glad to say I no longer do. Really, try it and you'll see the drink is sweet enough to quench those cravings.
One more suggestion, mason jars, well some, actually fit well into the blender bladed screw- it's great when you are not making a lot and you don't want to wash the big glass blender vase.

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