the sweet green life

the sweet green life
My sweet depiction

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Some great inspiration!

Yesterday, I took my little brother out because he is out of school for the summer. It was nice to spend time with him just the two of us. It's amazing how much he has grown-it's like watching that seed you've gardened all year grow into a special plant. I think people thought he was my age because he is 15 but 5 inches taller than me! Anyhow, we went to different places downtown and on one of our stops we went to Indigo- a bookstore belonging to a chain of bookstore in Toronto. My brother is into comics and he wanted to read up on some comic book, meanwhile I am into crafting, amongst other things- so there we sat, he laughing away, me brain cells jumping from one neuron to another, making connections and sending messages of joy to my heart and soul as I read and looked over some Eco crafting books. I love that stuff- its like brain chocolate- the handmade kind for me! Here is a pic of one of those great works! If anyone gets a chance, I encourage you to pick one up!

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